Frequently Asked Questions
*Answers partially from the Student Michigan Education Association website of the MEA and the Student Michigan Education Association flier*
What is SMEA?

SMEA is the Student Michigan Education Association.  SMEA is a pre-professional organization for those preparing to become teachers.  It is an affiliate organization of the National Education Association Student Program (NEA-SP) - the nation's largest and most influential student organization.
SMEA at Central is open to all future educators, and helps them prepare for the teaching profession by supplementing their formal education with information about such things as conferences, salaries, and curriculum requirements.
More information can be found at the MEA website.
How much does it cost to belong and what do I get for my money?

There are yearly dues which are currently $40  (Breakdown: $27 to State and $13 local). 
That money gives you membership to MEA/NEA as well as membership to our local chapter at Central.

As an active member of SMEA you will:

Are eligible for a $20 credit for each year that you were a registered member of SMEA (maximum $80) to be applied to your initial NEA professional membership dues
For our local chapter here at CMU, dues includes speakers, conference information, social events, and volunteer opportunities.

When and where are meetings?

Generally Monday and Sunday nights at 8pm in Anspach 161.  Roughly eight meetings are held a semester.  Check Fall meeting dates link on home page for more information.

What are "checks" and how many do I need to be an active member?

In addition to paying dues, you must receive "checks" in order to be an active member.  A check is equivalent to attending an event or completing a task under the appropriate category.  Each semester you need three meeting checks, two fundraising checks, one social check, one community service check, one committee check, and one general check.  A general check is received by completing an additional meeting, social, fundraising, community service, or committee check.  Annual checks include professional development, paying dues, and an Outreach to Teach fundraiser. Professional development does not have to be SMEA sponsored.

Who can I contact if I have questions?

You can contact your CMU chapter of SMEA at or any of the e-board by accessing this website: