MESSA's chiropractic coverage update

MESSA flyer: "Chiropractic Coverage Lowers Medical Costs"

from Fred Baker, MESSA Field Representative - Area 1

Dear Friends in our School Business Offices-

There seems to be a great deal of misinformation of late as it pertains to MESSA’s chiropractic coverage. I’d like to emphasize two points that are made very clear in the attached document:

1. These services are performed under the direction of a doctor and are part of an overall plan to bring the patient to a high level of functionality. If such therapy cannot achieve these goals the patient can be disqualified from these benefits.

2. Plans, such as MESSA, which include such services save the plan a great deal of money because these less invasive procedures help members avoid surgeries and other dramatic and costly therapies.

I hope this is helpful. As always, please feel free to contact me.

Fred Baker